Posted on 8/30/2021

While it may be daunting to see exhaust smoke spew out of your tailpipe, not all smoke is bad. In fact, you can determine whether it is a problem or not by looking at the color of the fumes. The color of your exhaust emission can give you a good insight into what is going on inside your car or truck. Your exhaust smoke can be the following colors: gray, blue, black, or white. Gray Smoke: Gray exhaust smoke is the rarest case of them all. However, it can be more challenging to diagnose. If the smoke is a solid gray color, then it may mean that your transmission fluid or engine oil is combusted. It is imperative to have your vehicle assessed by a trained technician to determine if you need any repairs. Blue Smoke: Blue exhaust, similarly to gray, indicates that oil is burnt. The first thing you should do is inspect your oil levels. While you examine the oil, check for any signs of leakages around your vehicle. Leaks can be produced by leaky valve seals, broken pis ... read more